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music means everything.
♥ Myself.

I was dropped off on earth by an angel on
13th September
I LOVE music
I ADORE my friends

get to know me with this simple blog

♥ Strike Out.

I wantyou
to go to vans warped tour
to get a new laptop
to somehow forget you
to meet quietdrive

♥ Speak.

♥ Escapes.


♥ Flashbacks.

April 2009
November 2009
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011

♥ Claps.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Now all you hear is songs where boys want to hook up with you when all the Beatles wanted to do was hold your hand.

5:53 PM

True? Pretty much.

5:44 PM

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Uneventful. Although I did get to see many of my friends looking absolutely gorgeous.

Kevin. Arush. Gonna miss you guys so much. Worthwhile hugs last night.
"Don't forget to remember me."
Nyehehee I'm lamee.

First day of the Christmas holidays.

Started off by trying to memorize my mandarin topic essay.
How did it go? FAILED.
Ended up reading the perspective issue.
I've learned to appreciate it much more now that I am part of the team.

2:26 AM

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Okie dokies.
So my day today.
I had a hard time trying to get: Morgan, Min Hee, Brian, Dhi and Grant to contribute to our little "thing" I dunno if he reads this. Probably not, just in case though.
CHRISTMAS PERSPECTIVE ISSUE OUT! =] Read the whole thing, this month's JUMBO issue with double the amount of articles. (Y)

We talked about lots and lots of series. Was a very productive lesson.

We finished, watching "Much Ado' About Nothing. It was a predictable ending. I didn't know Shakespeare could be predictable in the 1600s. During library time, I spent most of my 40 minutes trying to text behind Emile. At least I didn't get caught. Mid-way library lesson, us group of girls decided to start talking about prom dresses. =]

Epic christmas lesson. =] Mich and I got a merit each for catching up with our last "missed" lesson during our spare time. (Y) We're such angels. Then, we were put into groups to make the tallest standing tower out of exactly:
15 pieces of paper
1 meter of tape
3 human beings

My team? Riddhi, Ridge and Moi
Our record height? Somewhere between 1.49- 1.7 meters.

We had tons of fun, building them, allowing them to topple over and building them again. Especially with our dead friend, Mr. Cockroach.
Unfortunately, BEAN (Dhi, Vivek, Kadhija)won. With 1.7 something meters, beating us. At least we came second.
Mich, Sallyoh and Avi's team.. sorry but FAIL.
Daanish, Noor and Will's team were.. not bad.

We spent our time doing Christmas puzzles. It was fun.
My new favourite word for french? POO-EM.

.... JJ LIN!!

Quote of the day:
Sometimes all you need is a second chance because time wasn't ready for the first one.

2:01 AM

My cocoa heart, dedicated to my lovely, Michelle Wong. :)
Thanks for being such a great friend and helping me with most of my blog.
(The messed up parts of the cocoa are dedicated to VINNIEEE. For helping me with the problems that have occured in my blog.)

1:38 AM

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Form time. Funnily enough, myceleb iphone app works.
I am Teresa, my celeb lookalike: mother teresa.
best iphone app ever? i think so.

Mandarin. How did our class spend our valuable time?
Watching the secondary music concert rehersal. (Y)
Pirates of the Caribbean song was epic.
Mr. Smith's jazz band: Coolest jazz band I've ever heard.
Primarys? Cutest things ever.
As for my mandarin.. I can honestly say that I have made no progress.

We watched a 20 minute video. If you are addicted to games, you should get treatment. Like our lovely koreans: GAMING ADDICTION BOOTCAMP. (Y)
We stalked each others' tumblrs and bloggers.
We played online games. (No progress there)



What made my day? N/A

Quote of the day: Two words guys hate are "Don't" and "Stop". Unless you put them together.

2:16 AM

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Well, I am currently in ICT with Zoey, Marisa, Jaime and DAANISH.
Trying to peek into my blog many random times.

I'm bored..

Stalking.. Zoey's blog. Michelle's blog. READ MY BLOG!!!!!!

This is Teresa, signing off. ;]

6:33 PM

Monday, December 6, 2010

As many of you who read my blog, commitment has always been a problem for me.
1. Not updating my blog often enough.
2. Not updating my blog often enough.
3. Not updating my blog often enough.
**sighh. I blame myself really.
And of course, I have to thank Michelle for helping me *3* times? To re-activate my blog. =] thank youus.


Mine were alright this termm. At least none of my teachers wrote the wrong name for mine. =]
Mich: Winnie!!
Haley: Sarah!!

Drama: ... It was alright. Quite proud of our group's final outcome, noting that the most immature boys: Grant and Brian were in our group ruining everything. ME: HORRID ACTING 101.

Maths: TEST. Gosh, Mr. Tobin. -______- Gave us ALL THE WRONG THINGS to study. It was stressful. Target: Work on time management for tests.

Biology: Sigh** Got our practical test results back. I got worse than I expected. =[ Just cuz I forgot to fill in EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL. Oh well, I would give myself the higher B grade, cuz I thought i deserved it.

English: Same as usual. Okay.
Zii: "Tess What are you gonna write here?"
"Tess, blah blah blah"
"Tess, blah blah blah"
Hero dies. Well, at least pretends to. MUCH ADO' ABOUT NOTHING FTW. (Y)

*Note that my day goes chronologically backwards for my brain's function purposes*
P.S I am updating my blog cuz I am simply putting off my Bio homework. So proud.

Quote of the day: When I die and go to heaven, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces because I just met one on earth.

4:21 AM

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I finished my drama. (:

15 episodes in 5 days. So far, it is my record. This amazing amazing drama with wicked cast. "Endless love" aka.


Will pan. Zhang Rong rong. FTW. =DD

Mandarin trip tomorrow!! Yay, no classes.

Spotted spelling mistakes in YUAN PING KHOO's blog. Loooooooooooser. Nyehehee.

2:51 AM